annual East Peoria Festival of Lights. One of the largest lighted nighttime festivals in the nation. Activities, dates, times, and locations can be found in the 2023 Festival Guide. Over 30,000 copies are printed and distributed throughout the community, area businesses, and high-traffic locations each year. Purchase your ad space or sponsorship package today!
Ad space in the FOLEPI guide
Sponsor sign at float in Winter Wonderland
Company name on entrance banner to Winter Wonderland
Company logo on websites (Chamber & City of East Peoria)
Complimentary admission tickets
FOLEPI guide - Ad only
Contact EP Chamber office at 699-6212
Commitment and ad proof are due by October 20, 2023.
Click Here for sponsorship & ad forms.

Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Friday Nov 24, 2023
5:00 PM - 10:00 PM CST
-The Parade of Lights is Saturday, November 18, 2023.
-The Festival of Lights will officially begin Friday, November 24, and continue through December 31, 2023.
-Ads for the Folepi guide are accepted September - October 20, 2023.
-The guide will be distributed the week of November 13, 2023, and will be posted to several websites.
FOLEPI's Winter Wonderland
Narrated Nativity Scene
FOLEPI's Enchanted Forest
Festival of Lights Holiday Cruise on the Spirit of Peoria
North Pole Sponsor - $2500
(full page, 20 tickets)
Jingle Bell Sponsor - $1750
(1/2 page, 15 tickets)
Rudolph Sponsor - $1000
(1/4 page, 10 tickets)
Mistletoe Sponsor - $ 500
(1/8 page, 5 tickets)
Friend of Folepi - $250
(Name in guide, 2 tickets, no float sign)
For ad space only, contact the Chamber at 309-699-6212
Contact Information
Call the Chamber at 309-699-6212 for more information.
Send Email